Luka Bloom: mijn nieuwe album is niet te streamen.

In het Ierse blad Hot Press uitte Luka Bloom zich duidelijk over de beschikbaarheid van zijn nieuwe album, Bittersweet Crimson: het nieuwe album kun je maar op één plaats kopen. En dat is via zijn website. Hij is de eerste artiest die zich zo nadrukkelijk uitspreekt. Hij is niet tegen streaming an sich; hij ziet dat het in de promotie van veel artiesten en bands van belang kan zijn. Luka onderstreept echter dat de makers van nieuwe langspelers, de muzikanten, maar ook de mensen verder betrokken in het creatieve proces vrijwel niets verdienen wanneer albums via streaming verkocht worden.
Het zette hem aan tot deze duidelijke keuze. Dit is de tekst die Hot Press opnam:
“When you experience the music of a band/singer you love by streaming, you only support the people who created the streaming service,” says the Irish folk legend. So I have made a pretty big decision,” he says. “Bittersweet Crimson will not be available on streaming services. It can only be experienced via-my website in CD and download. I was not going to say anything about this decision but have been asked to. I am not ‘anti-streaming’. Many people are happy to use these services for promotion. But here is how I feel about streaming, especially now; when gigs are gone…
“When you experience the music of a band/singer you love by streaming, you only support the people who created the streaming service. The person who created the music receives virtually nothing of the money you have chosen to invest in their music. However, if you choose to buy a CD or download the new record directly from my website, here are the list of people you directly support by investing €20 in my new record:
“Me, obviously.
The distributor of the CD (My sister Anne Rynne).
The musicians who played on the record, and the singer who sang with me.
The studio owners and the studio engineer who recorded the songs.
The graphic designer who created the design for the package.
The painter who painted the artwork.
The local post office, who deliver the CD.
The local office supplies store who supply the envelopes and labels.
“The PR people who help me get the news out to you….
“Every time you stream a record, all these people who collaborated to create the music you wish to hear, earn nothing from your investment. This applies to me, but also to so many singers and musicians, who have now lost all their income since Covid-19 arrived. I have made this decision. Perhaps fewer people will actually get to hear my new record. This is a risk I am prepared to take right now.
“So, if you have liked any of my previous 21 records, and are interested in hearing my new record Bittersweet Crimson, I am asking that you consider actually buying it directly from me; to be shipped to you by my sister in County Clare. I began writing this record two years ago; and am so proud of it; especially proud of the musicians who played with me.
In the end, we too, are workers. This is my work. Thank you for your support.”