Interpol viert feestje
De New Yorkse band Interpol heeft even vrijaf. Frontman Paul Banks is namelijk solo op pad en brengt binnenkort zijn album BANKS uit. De rest van de band zit echter niet stil en is de archieven in gedoken om daar zeldzaam materiaal op te snorren. Dit zal komen te staan op een 19 november te verschijnen ’10th Anniversary Edition’ van hun debuut Turn On The Bright Lights.
Met Turn On The Bright Lights brak Interpol in 2002 op grote schaal door. De band had de vijf jaar daar voorafgaand enorm lopen leuren met hun materiaal. “Needless to say this was a memorable moment for us. We never had any expectations for how the album would be received. We just wanted to present our music as an album to anyone who would be open to hearing it. It was incredible to finally tour and see people react to these songs. We never could have imagined that the album would have reached so many people throughout the world”, zo stelt gitarist en componist Daniel Kessler in het vandaag naar buiten gebrachte persbericht over de re-release. “We spent a good deal of time this past year digging through our archives and asking others to dig through theirs in the hopes of uncovering some forgotten material. The result of our hunting and gathering has yielded this Tenth Anniversary Edition of Turn On the Bright Lights.”
Het is voor de fans van Interpol dan ook zeker wel een pretpakketje te noemen, deze heruitgave. De set komt uit als dubbel-cd met dvd en als dubbel-LP met dvd. Beiden verpakt in en gebonden boekwerk met nooit eerder uitgebracht fotomateriaal. Ook verschijnt een digitale variant, met digitaal boekwerk. Wie de set op de website van de band bestelt, krijgt er een replica van hun allereerste stukje merchandise bij; een button met het bandlogo.
De set bevat de volgende tracks:
- Untitled
- Obstacle 1
- Say Hello To The Angels
- Hands Away
- Obstacle 2
- Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down
- Roland
- The New
- Leif Erikson
- Interlude (iTunes single) unreleased on vinyl
- Specialist (Interpol EP)
- PDA (First Demo, 1998)
- Roland (First Demo, 1998)
- Get The Girls (Song 5) (First Demo, 1998)
- Precipitate (2nd Demo, 1999)
- Song Seven (Original Version) (2nd Demo, 1999)
- A Time To Be So Small (Orig Version) (2nd Demo,1999)
- Untitled (Third Demo, 2001) unreleased recording, only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- Stella (Third Demo, 2001) unreleased recording, only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- NYC (Third Demo, 2001) only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- Leif Erikson (Third Demo, 2001) unreleased recording, only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- Gavilan (Cubed) (Third Demo, 2001) unreleased song
- Obstacle 2 (Peel Session, 2001) only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- Hands Away (Peel Session, 2001) only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- The New (Peel Session, 2001) unreleased recording, only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
- NYC (Peel Session, 2001) unreleased recording, only included on bonus coupon in vinyl package
Disk 3: DVD
- The 3 music videos: PDA, NYC, Obstacle 1
- Mercury Lounge, NYC concert footage, May 2000 (Sam’s first show with the band)
- The Troubadour, Los Angeles concert footage, September 2002