Jeff Loomis Nieuwe Gitarist Arch Enemy
De metal iconen Arch Enemy kondigen met trots aan dat gitaarlegende Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore) hun rangen zal aanvullen tijdens de Europese tournee die 26 november begint en alle toekomstige tournees in 2015. Nederlandse fans krijgen al snel de kans om de nieuwe gitarist live te aanschouwen, want Arch Enemy speelt op donderdag 4 december in 013 Tilburg.
Jeff Loomis: “I’m very excited to be playing with Arch Enemy. Michael Amott and I have stayed in contact over the years since we toured together when I was playing in Nevermore. Not only do I admire his guitar playing and songwriting, but I also consider him a close friend. To be able to share the stage with Michael, Sharlee, Daniel and Alissa is something I’m really looking forward to. 2015 is going to be a great year… See you all on tour!”
Na een jaar van intensief touren ter promotie van hun nieuwe album, War Eternal, hebben Arch Enemy en gitarist Nick Cordle besloten om uit elkaar te gaan. Zijn commentaar: “With War Eternal I believe we wrote an album together which will stand the test of time, and I wish them well for the future.”
Amerikaanse fans kunnen getuige zijn van een speciale reünie, want Christopher Amott (de broer van Arch Enemy oprichter/bandlid Michael Amott) keert terug voor de afronding van Arch Enenmy´s Amerikaanse tournee.
Michael Amott (gitaar): “We all wish Nick the very best in his new endeavors and we are sure that you will hear much more from him. We’re also super grateful to my brother Christopher for stepping in to finish the current American tour!” “The prospect of working with Jeff Loomis moving forward is truly awesome! Jeff Loomis is one of the best guitar players in the metal world in my opinion, as well as being a long time friend. I look forward to tearing it up on stages around the world together as we continue on the War Eternal’ touring cycle throughout all next year and beyond!”