Carlos Santana organiseert reünie originele band
Recentelijk bevestigde Carlos Santana dat hij werkt aan een reünie van de band die de eerste drie Santana albums (Santana, Abraxas, Santana III) componeerde en opnam. Carlos: “So far we have invited the original members like Greg Rolie from the first three albums. It will be like Santana IV because we stopped at ‘Santana III’”.
Huidig Journey guitarist Neal Schon bracht het nieuws als eerste naar buiten. Carlos bevestigde: “As well as Neal we have the two Mikes, Mike Carabello and Michael Shrieve. I am pretty sure Greg’s going to do it. So that is pretty much everyone.”
Schon zei over de nieuwe samenwerking: “I’ve reconnected with Carlos Santana now and we have been talking about doing something together again. We’ve talked a lot on the telephone and I hooked up with him before Christmas. You never know what’s going to happen. Life is full of surprises. It’s very exciting.”
Origineel bassist David Brown is uiteraard niet van de partij want hij overleed in 2000.
Volgens Carlos Santana zal het nieuwe album net als bij het eerste trio tal van Afrikaanse invloeden laten horen. “We have been checking out a lot of African music, African patterns. Each artist has his own thing that he listens to. Led Zeppelin listened to Otis Rush. Cream listened to Freddie King and Albert King. We all had someone that we listened to. It was a beautiful common ground for Santana to play African music”.